We Can’t Do Without Immigration
We Can’t Do Without Immigration
To Be Socially Acceptable, It Needs to Be Managed, Not Just Tolerated
As promised to our readers, this issue of eco delves into immigration in all its complexities and contradictions. We increasingly rely on it to fill job vacancies and fund pensions, yet it remains a central concern for many. We don’t merely highlight the problems, government missteps, avoidable costs, unenforceable rules, or the gap between perceptions and reality regarding the number and identity of immigrants. We also aim to propose solutions that allow us to manage, rather than endure, immigration. From filling entry quotas to creating a pathway to citizenship and externalizing border control, we explore actionable strategies.


To meet the growing demand for quality information on economic issues, to provide useful tools for everyday decision-making and for forming an opinion on broader issues. We will focus primarily on data, using simple language, but without oversimplifying and without denying the complexity of the problems. And we will do this without bending statistics to fit preconceived theses.


We offer a one-year subscription that provides digital access to the english version of Eco. 12 issues €65/year
